Sunday, August 16, 2015

Week 3 Update

It's been around 3 weeks since work started at the house.  The first week was really productive with the demoing of basically the entire inside.  All the walls and the flooring have been removed with the exception of the bathrooms and one room that will stay as it is. I've even managed to fill in a 650 sq. ft.2 inch dip in the living room. If everything continued at this pace I could see the whole house being finished in 5 to 6 weeks. that's it's time to start adding I need to get permits.  I hired a really experienced drafter permit expert to draw up the plans.  I guess you need 7 different types of plans to get a permit (electrical, plumbing, demo, wall, ect. ect.).  We just finalized the plans at the end of week 3.  Now he will take the plans to the city, and cross my fingers nothing goes wrong, the permits will go through the city process and in two more weeks I will be able to build my house.

Let's hope everything goes as planned tomorrow.  I'll keep you posted.

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